How Much Does a Airsoft Gun Hurt

How Much Does a Airsoft Gun Hurt

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Airsoft is fast becoming the almost popular nerve-wracking, and enjoyable outdoor game. But you might be wondering whether getting hit with airsoft BBs will cause you lot pain if y'all decide to become serious with the game.

Hither'southward the truth…

Do Airsoft Guns Hurt by getting shot. Simply that shouldn't stop y'all from playing your favorite airsoft games.

The amount of hurting you'll experience if y'all get hit is manner less than the pleasure you'll become playing airsoft games. So, don't plow your back on this heady sport.

What Factors Make Airsoft Painful?

To make airsoft playing less painful, our expert team researched mutual factors that affect how much people get hurt, playing airsoft.

The level of pain you'll experience depends really on your distance from the shooter, the weight of Bbs, the airsoft gun's ability, your clothing, pain tolerance, and more.

  • Fps Charge per unit

The higher the muzzle velocity of an airsoft gun, the more than pain you'll get when you're shot at. Meaning that the striking is harder when the airsoft Bulletin board system travel faster.

Bulletin board system flying 100-200 feet per 2d volition only feel like a poke on your skin. Those between 200 and 250 fps will leave y'all feeling a petty pain.

Where the shot is from an airsoft gun with BBs moving at 250-300 fps, you'll get a welt from a shot inside the threescore feet range.

Let's exist honest…

The faster the fps, the more the BBs sting. 400-500 fps can be brutal, breaking through the pare, especially when the shot is under 50ft.

At times, BBs shot 500 feet per second may pierce through a protective gear to cause injuries to the skin.

That'southward why the average airsoft field restricts fps to circa 350. These restrictions, alongside wearing protection like a face mask on the eyes, will help prevent injuries to your confront and peel.

Do Airsoft Guns Hurt
  • Range Of The Shooter

While playing airsoft games, y'all want to exist as accurate as possible, covering plenty of altitude.

You might not know that varying distances accept a different impact on the eyes and trunk of people.

Hither's something…

Airsoft hurting varies from a quick pinch to a festering sting.

If your distance from the shooter is closer, the impact you'll feel on the skin is college, regardless of whether you lot get hit on your confront or another torso part.

Getting shot within a point-blank range will probably make you feel a bee sting for a few seconds, or even cause y'all to bleed. However you won't experience a sting from a long airsoft gunshot.

Look at this…

If you get shot with a 300 fps airsoft gun, yous'll just feel a bit of pain. Where the distance is 50 feet, you'll go a welt that maybe lasts a few days.

When an opponent's airsoft BB hits you from a long distance, you'll be hurt less. It often feels like a tap, specially when you wearable eye protection or face protection.

That's why airsoft fields came upwards with the 'bang' rule against hitting those in shut range.

  • Area Of The Impact

Bated from the fps and range, airsoft pain differs based on the area of touch on.

Airsoft guns can injure you pretty desperately or give you injuries when someone hits y'all on your bare pare. It's even worse on areas like the centre, face, neck, fingers, and groin.

Here's the truth…

Airsoft gun impacts on bare skin can exist very painful. That's why you need protection. Wearing center protection and other gear during airsoft sports will help reduce injury.

Shots on the fragile area of your face up volition cause you more pain than anywhere else. And yous don't desire to go hit around the centre. It tin lead to a loss of sight.

Also, a hit on the neck or the groin, especially from a close distance, tin can crusade injuries.

Even so, shots effectually the hand, back, and legs really do not cause much pain, peculiarly on first hits.

  • Weight Of BB

Bbs come up in various weights, ranging from 0.12g to 0.40g.

These weights affect the impact that shots take on yous. The more the kinetic energy of airsoft BB, the more pain y'all'll feel when hit.

Airsoft guns traveling 370 fps on a .twenty gram pellet release the energy of one.27 joules.

Only wait, there's more than…

The same gun airsoft gun will shoot at two.86 joules. That'southward a dangerous measure of kinetic energy. Information technology will cause astringent hurting.

The heavier the projectile you lot use for playing airsoft sport, the more pain you'll experience with a shot.

  • Habiliment

When y'all article of clothing protection for your torso, it makes the difference. You lot'll hardly become injure by an airsoft BB.

Here's the truth…

Y'all may experience piddling pain from the airsoft gun hit, only it won't be as much as the hurt yous'll get on bare skin.

Wearing protection around the eyes, hands, and groins is optional in some airsoft arenas. But for your prophylactic, you need to wearable gloves, masks, vests, combat shirts, and others.

They will exercise a lot to reduce painful shots.

For case, if an airsoft gun with loftier fps lands on y'all within 20 feet or fifty-fifty less because you lot wear protection, you may merely get a modest bump.

Playing airsoft games is more than enjoyable when the guns don't harm y'all.

Related: Best Airsoft Sniper Rifles

Can Airsoft Cause Permanent Injuries or Kill Y'all?

Like paintball and other outdoor games, airsoft guns can injure you during a game. That's why field staff are quite particular about field rules on protection.

Now, how much does airsoft hurt?

Airsoft can pause the skin, give y'all some welts, and even damage your teeth or crusade bone damage.

It'due south pretty rare for serious damage to occur. But, guns with high velocity shot from a close distance may harm your peel, basic, or teeth.

But then…

Though an airsoft gun may crusade hurting, it won't kill you. Well, except if someone stands directly in front of you, hitting your eyes with a 500 fps gun – this could casue serious harm.

We know that the BB will not merely blind the heart. It can enter the head, causing real damage. But who would want to attempt that?

Generally, airsoft guns cannot kill, simply they can cause damage to your body.

BB guns with as high every bit 1200 fps make use of metal Bulletin board system that are more likely to make you lot bleed.

How to Make Airsoft Less Painful?

Airsoft is huge fun, but showtime, you need to find a way to avoid the pain that comes with playing your favorite sport.

While you tin't control factors like velocity and how close your opponents are, it's easy enough to protect yourself from hurt whenever you play.

  • Invest in Protective Gear

Airsoft plays are more heady than paintball etc (we think!). Simply you may incur an injury if you're not safe.

Protect sensitive areas like the neck, face, ribs, and groin. Covering upwardly will reduce the impact of shots.

You don't demand to protect all areas, merely eye protection with goggles or masks is compulsory on most airsoft fields.

Yet, in that location's more…

Utilise ear protection, neck guards, soft armor, tactical gloves, and others for condom play.

The back and chest are sensitive, too. You'll need tactical vests, which will too come up in handy for belongings magazines and sidearms.

With protection, at that place'll exist less pain, and you'll be escaping stings and severe impairment.

  • Be a Good Player

Being a proficient role player includes protecting yourself and avoiding inflicting wounds on your opponents.

To make airsoft less painful, make sure you vesture protection always. A face mask or a pair of goggles and helmet are great for a start off.

While aiming at targets, avoid shots you lot know will be painful. Don't shoot within x feet, and aim for their bodies, non the head.

Also, when non playing, make sure your gun remains unloaded.

Decision: Do Airsoft Guns Injure

During airsoft games, yous're probable to get hurt.

But dont allow that stop yous from enjoying yourself on the field. A few bruises are worth the fun and exercise you'll get from playing!

Plus, with necessary precautions, the pain is minimal.

By wearing advisable gear and being responsible on the field, airsoft is bags of fun.

So, play prophylactic, and enjoy an exhilarating time with your buddies.

How Much Does a Airsoft Gun Hurt

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